We are currently building what will be our best strobe system
It will be a "chasing" system much like a theater marque!
That uses either neon or small light bulbs or both that chase.
The system will have 16 flash heads.
We have all the flash head parts including 200 Watt Second helical
flash tubes,
Trigger transformers, reflectors, and lamp sockets.
All we need now is to finish the power supply
and Trigger Circut and to Build the 16 Flash Heads
house the parts for each flash head.
The system will chase backwards or forwards,
Back and forth, and merge into or out of each other.
The 16 flash
head system will have the capability
To split the system into two totally independent
8 flash head systems or slave them together
into two
& slaved" flash head systems with 8 flash heads in each system,
With two flash heads firing at the same time.